What would have to go well personally and professionally for you to deem this relationship a success?
Some common answers I hear are:
- Establishment of a recurring investment program
- Implementation of tax-efficient strategies
- Be free of credit card debt
- Confidence that I’m on the best/right track
All of these goals have something in common: COMMITMENT. Your commitment to the process determines your progress. Don’t let outcomes outside of your control take up your mental space and emotional energy.
My goal for you is to make sure finances aren’t one of the thousands of thoughts that race through your mind before you eat breakfast. I want you to breathe deeper knowing you’re on a path that’s reasonable and productive for your situation.
It’s common for anxiety, disappointment, fear, and worry to creep in – this isn’t a failure.
We’re emotional creatures that have to make decisions with limited information. What happens when you face headlines, including market volatility, vaccine trials, monetary policy, delayed fiscal policy, trade uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, and looming elections? The result is oftentimes imprudent decisions followed by regret.
Here’s a quote from Nick Murray, a highly regarded financial services professional with over 50 years of experience: “In my experience, all successful long-term investors are continuously acting on a plan. All the failed investors I’ve ever encountered up close were continually reacting to current events – and always the wrong way.”
I can’t time market returns, and I certainly can’t predict them. I’m here to remind you of your values and your goals so that you stay disciplined and committed to the course. If I’m able to help you with that, would you deem this relationship successful?
Feel free to shoot me a note when you’re ready to have an introductory conversation.