Is The Glass Half Full?

Is The Glass Half Full?

As we embark on our Q4 client meetings, the general sentiment is clear: most view the glass as half empty. But, if we pause for a second, a handful of factors indicate the glass is half full. Continue reading to get our take on the improvements in the macroeconomic...
Cold Hard Cash

Cold Hard Cash

It’s been a LONG TIME since investors had an option to earn interest on cash! What should you do? It’s time to put your cold hard cash to work. How did we get here? Economists will rewrite textbooks for the fiscal and monetary policy events over the past 30...
Top 10 Items To Tackle Before 2023

Top 10 Items To Tackle Before 2023

​As we enter the last month of summer, let’s take time to address our top 10 items to tackle before 2023. Open Enrollment Are you taking FULL advantage of your employer’s benefits? Do you need to reassess your health care plan? Is your plan HSA-eligible, and if...
Exhausted By The Market Noise?

Exhausted By The Market Noise?

Exhausted by the market noise causing these turbulent times? What can you do?   Let’s start here: What happened? What’s to come? What should you do?   As of June 30, 2022, the S&P 500 had its worst start to the year since 1970. These detrimental...
Tackling The College Funding Puzzle

Tackling The College Funding Puzzle

Let’s break down college funding considerations by addressing six key concepts. How much can you afford to spend on college? 99.9% of people should fill out the FAFSA. Why? Because it calculates your EFC, which stands for the “Expected Family Contribution.” Many...
Navigating the Market

Navigating the Market

Let’s Start with The Soft Stuff… In every bear market, diversification comes into question. In 2008 it was housing. This time around, it’s bonds. It’s not typical to see stocks and bonds go down simultaneously. Does that mean diversification is dead?  Or are we here...