Here are the top 5 questions I get asked the most:
1. What’s your best career advice?
- Invest. Invest in yourself, your family, your career. While I can’t help you directly with those items, I can help you indirectly by investing in the market. Is it risky? It can be, but what experience do you have that makes that your first reaction? This risk can be managed, and I can help with that.
2. Should I invest in cannabis? What about gold?
- Is this based on rationale expectations? Does getting involved in this really fit your lifestyle? Are you only intrigued because you know someone else who claims this strategy is successful? Who’s to blame when the trend fizzles? I invest for my clients with a long-term time horizon while considering diversification, risk, expenses, and tax efficiency.
3. Why do you like ESG investing?
- For the first time in my career, I’m able to marry my personal values and my professional skills. It’s an opportunity to invest in sustainable development and transformative change without sacrificing performance. I’m not promoting a particular product here – it’s my job as a fiduciary to let you know this method of investing exists, and if you’re interested, I can help.
4. Should I rent or own? Lease or buy?
- This is honestly situationally dependent. There really isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. I’m here to talk you through this.
5. Why do I need a financial advisor?
- Filing your taxes annually is a requirement. It doesn’t matter if you do it, or someone else does it for you. Knowing where you sit financially actually isn’t much of a choice. Whether you want to better understand if there are things you can do to maximize your finances is another story, which is where I come in.
What are your top 5 questions? Please let me know so that I can include my thoughts in a future post.
As we come to a close on a decade (that sounds weird, doesn’t it?), now is the time to figure out your financial plan for 2020 and beyond. Shoot me a note to set up a complimentary introductory call.